July 30, 2010

Guess what?

I meant to post this yesterday, but time got away from me. But I thought you guys might like to see this anyway.
So here's the story. We've had soooo much rain this year that we finally flooded! We woke up yesterday morning to our front yard pouring with running water! Yet, that wasn't the worst part. I'll let the pictures do the talking:
Here's part of our driveway
And this is our front yard! Anybody want to go swimming??
Here's our pasture....although it looks like a river now. =S
This was the insane part.....here it's going over the road! It has mini waves!!
And this is a picture of the drains

So, yes its been a little crazy over here. But no worries, we're almost done building our ark. Hope you guys have had a dry week!

July 26, 2010

Garden & Life Update

This summer has sure been a busy one for our family! With our garden twice its original size we've been pretty busy tending to it. Plus with all this rain we've had, everything is growing so well....and so MUCH! This morning I went out to our garden to see how everything was doing, that was a surprise. I walked over to the tomatoes and there must have been 10 tomatoes on EACH plant. Oh, and did I mention we have 50 plants? I have a feeling we're going to be doing a lot of canning this year! =P
Also, this year we started a fruit garden! We planted strawberries,blueberries,blackberries,raspberries & golden raspberries. We haven't gotten much fruit since this is only the first year. But I am very surprised on how many strawberries we have gotten, they just keep producing and producing!
Alright, lets switch and get a little life update! Well, today I have to take my CNA (Certified Nurses Assistant) test. I work at a nursing home, and I've been training there this past month. So today's the big day! Hopefully I'll remember everything, but thankfully I have an amazing God who will be helping me ALL the way.
Then in 6 days I'll be heading off to Storybook Lodge Camp in Minnesota! I've never gone to a camp before so I'm very excited. I hope to make new friends and have a closer walk with God.
Well, that's my little update! Sorry I haven't posted anything in awhile, I'll try to get better at that! But let me close with this:
"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you." James 4:7-8
I read this verse this morning during my Bible time. I was reminded by this verse that our lives are God's, and that it is essential for us to submit to Him and His will. Let God be the Lord of your life, and make His will YOUR will. If God is perfect than He has a perfect plan for you and your life. Why would you want anything else? If you haven't submitted your life over to God yet, I encourage you to do so. I know it's a challenge, it was for me. But there is nothing more important than giving your life over to God.

Now for some pictures:

Part of the garden

Here is 3 rows of onions Sugar Snap Peas Tomatoes, tomatoes, tomatoes!!!!

I think this frog is trying to blend in....nice try froggy!

This is a part of our flower garden

And our roses are opening up!! Aren't they beautiful?

Well, that's it for now! I hope you have a blessed week!


July 7, 2010

I've Been Tagged!

Hey all! I got this tag from Sara, who's the blog author of Live, Love, Laugh, and now I'm posting it up for all to see. Hope you enjoy it, and check out Sara's blog!

1. What is your favorite Bible verse? Prov. 3:5-6

2. Between pear, banana, and watermelon, what is your favorite fruit?
Well, I guess watermelon.

3. What is a book that you really enjoyed and have read it like 10 times?
I don't think I've read ANY book 10 times! But I have really enjoyed
this one book by Ted Dekker called "Chosen".

4. What is your favorite band or music group?
Casting Crowns

5. What is your favorite earliest memory?
Oh boy....probably the time when I was 3 or 4 and I decided
to go over to our neighbors house without telling my parents.
6. What is your favorite color?

7. What is your middle name?
8. Do you have a iPod?

9. Do you have siblings, and if so, how many?
I have 1 older sister and 1 younger brother

10.Who do you admire most in your life?
The wonderful parents God gave me

11.What is your favorite hobby?
Playing piano

12.What do you enjoy doing during your free time?
Enjoying God's creation,fellowshipping with friends, and
reading a good book.

13. What is your favorite time of day?
The morning

14. Do you like photography?
Oh yes!

15. Do you have any pets, and if, what kind?
I have 4 adorable cats

16. All-time favorite song?
Oh boy....that's a hard one...
I have way too many!

17. What is your favorite season?

18. Favorite month of the year?
Wow... I've never had that question before..
it would probably be August. 'Cus that's the month we have our county's

19 .Favorite day of the week?

20. What do you want to be when you grow up?
A nurse

21. Favorite flower/plant?
I don't really have a favorite, but I like lilies.

22. How would you describe yourself?
I listen more than I talk, I'll smile more than frown,
I laugh more than cry, I'll dance more than sing, and I
love God with all my heart.
23. Do you think this tag is too long?
No way!

24. Did you like this tag?

25. Who are you going to tag?
Well, I really haven't thought about
that yet. =)

Thanks Sara for the tag! It was fun!