October 23, 2010

Building Project:

So, for the past week some friends of ours have been helping us build a pole barn. It's been fun watching it progress day by day. When it's all finished it will give our family some much needed space.
Here's a couple pictures of the past week. This next week I'm going to work hard at getting a lot more pictures, whether the guys like it or not. Lol!

First day of construction

At the end of the day we had 7 totem poles...lol!
This is a couple days later. They're all watching the roof trusses being put up.
One side of the building
Levi and Abram
Hanging out on the roof
My mom and I hated watching them up there. =P

Levi and Lucas hanging on for dear life
So....I ask Jonathan to give me a fierce face.....here's what I get.
Stay tuned for more pictures!!!


Anonymous said...

I'll give ya'll a better one tomorrow...

Amy said...

Awesome!! Where exactly is it going on your place?

Rachel said...

Ok, you know that shed that's to the side of our house? It has a green roof and it's a brick foundation. Well the building is going kiddie corner to that, so the two buildings are forming an L. Hope that made sense. If it didn't.....go ask Jonathan. lol!

Amy said...

Okay...I can kinda sorta picture it. Guess I'll just hafta get out there sometime to see it, right?!?!