November 10, 2010


I'm reading a commentary on Romans by John MacArthur, and while I was reading it I came upon this poem.

"O long and dark the stairs I trod
With trembling feet to find my God
Gaining a foothold bit by bit,
Then slipping back and losing it.
Never progressing; striving still
With weakening grasp and faltering will,
Bleeding to climb to God, while he
Serenely smiled, unnoting me.
Then came a certain time when I
Loosened my hold and fell thereby;
Down to the lowest step my fall,
As if I had not climbed at all
Now when I lay despairing there,
Listen...a footfall on the stair,
On that same stair where I afraid,
And lo, when hope ceased to be,
My God came down the stairs to me."


November 4, 2010

Building Project p.2:

We're ALMOST done!! We've got most of the metal siding up; there's just one more side to finish. Then we have to get the garage door on, and after that it will be pretty much finished!! Yeah!
I've got to tell you though, we've had some AWESOME help by the five guys that have been putting this building up. Their all very hard workers and we've been blessed to have them over. So I want to say a HUGE "Thank You"to Mr.Erickson and his work crew-his son Levi,Lucas,Jonathan, and Abram. Thanks guys!

Now for some pictures!
Figuring things out

Jonathan taking measurements
Putting up the siding

Levi,Lucas, and Jonathan......I can't believe I got them all to smile at me!!!